O Jubileu de Salazar

Muu nimi/muut nimet: O Jubileu de Salazar
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1953
Kesto: 24 fps / 00:13:31
Kuvaus: Images of the several ceremonies held in Portugal to mark the 25th anniversary of Salazar in government. Speech by Craveiro Lopes. Parade organized by Cancela de Abreu.
Sisältölähde: Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do cinema
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Por favor contacte a Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema para obter informações sobre os detentores de direitos. | Please contact the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema for information about the rights holders.
Väri: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Language: pt